Is it possible to have an axis where the maximum is lower than the minimum?
I want to have an axis on a TSeriesPoint chart which represent a day that is not starting at midnight but at 03am. So the axis minimum will be 03:00 and the axis maximum will be 02:59.
Thank you.
Axis maximum < axis minimum
I'm afraid not. By definition axis maximum is always bigger than minimum (unless you invert the axis).maximum is lower than the minimum?
When you cross the "midnigt line" you're actually adding extra day to the date-time value. This also gives you the solution to problem: add extra day to values after midnight (or subtract day from values before midnight). Then the values and axis range will be drawn correctly.represent a day that is not starting at midnight but at 03am. So the axis minimum will be 03:00 and the axis maximum will be 02:59.
Marjan Slatinek,