I'm creating a circular gauge with the following code (iOS):
Code: Select all
public static void DrawGaugeChart (TChart tChart, ResourceServiceData data, Rectangle chartBounds, int titleTopMargin, Thickness margin, int orientation)
Console.WriteLine ("DrawGaugeChart");
if ((data.ServiceData == null) || (data.AccServiceData == null) || (data.CallData == null) || (data.AccCallData == null))
tChart.Series.Clear ();
tChart.Header.Text = data.Resource.Name;
tChart.Header.Alignment = MonoTouch.CoreText.CTTextAlignment.Center;
tChart.Header.Font.Size = 16;
tChart.SubHeader.Visible = false;
tChart.AfterDraw += tChart_AfterDraw;
var gauge = new CircularGauge ();
gauge.Value = data.ServiceData.ServiceData [0].LevelService;
gauge.LinearGauge.Visible = true;
gauge.AutoValueLinearGauge = false;
gauge.LinearGauge.Value = data.AccServiceData.ServiceData [0].LevelService;
switch (orientation) {
case 0:
gauge.CustomBounds = new Rectangle (margin.Left, margin.Top + titleTopMargin, chartBounds.Width / 2 - margin.Left - margin.Right, chartBounds.Height / 2 - margin.Top - margin.Bottom - titleTopMargin);
case 1:
gauge.CustomBounds = new Rectangle (margin.Left, margin.Top + titleTopMargin, chartBounds.Width / 4 - margin.Left - margin.Right, chartBounds.Height - margin.Top - margin.Bottom - titleTopMargin);
Console.WriteLine ("ServiceLevel: " + gauge.CustomBounds);
if (data.IsServiceLevelAlarm) {
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.Direction = GradientDirection.TopBottom;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.UseMiddle = false;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.StartColor = UIColor.FromRGBA (161, 161, 161, 255).CGColor;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.EndColor = UIColor.Red.CGColor;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Solid = true;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Color = UIColor.FromRGBA (161, 161, 161, 255).CGColor;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Visible = true;
} else {
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.Direction = GradientDirection.TopBottom;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.UseMiddle = false;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.StartColor = UIColor.FromRGBA (161, 161, 161, 255).CGColor;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.EndColor = UIColor.Green.CGColor;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Solid = true;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Color = UIColor.FromRGBA (161, 161, 161, 255).CGColor;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Visible = true;
var limit = data.ServiceLevelLimit;
if (limit == 0) {
gauge.GreenLineStartValue = 90;
gauge.GreenLineEndValue = 100;
gauge.RedLineStartValue = 0;
gauge.RedLineEndValue = 90;
} else {
if (limit > 0) {
gauge.GreenLineStartValue = 0;
gauge.GreenLineEndValue = limit;
gauge.RedLineStartValue = limit;
gauge.RedLineEndValue = 100;
} else {
gauge.GreenLineStartValue = Math.Abs (limit);
gauge.GreenLineEndValue = 100;
gauge.RedLineStartValue = 0;
gauge.RedLineEndValue = Math.Abs (limit);
tChart.Series.Add (gauge);
int attentionLevelAcc = 100;
int attentionLevelInt = 100;
if (data.AccCallData.CallsData [0].NumberAnsweredCalls > 0) {
attentionLevelAcc = (int)(data.AccCallData.CallsData [0].NumberUnderThresholdAnsweredCalls * 100 / data.AccCallData.CallsData [0].NumberAnsweredCalls);
if (data.CallData.CallsData [0].NumberAnsweredCalls > 0) {
attentionLevelInt = (int)(data.CallData.CallsData [0].NumberUnderThresholdAnsweredCalls * 100 / data.CallData.CallsData [0].NumberAnsweredCalls);
gauge = new CircularGauge ();
gauge.Value = attentionLevelInt;
gauge.LinearGauge.Visible = true;
gauge.AutoValueLinearGauge = false;
gauge.LinearGauge.Value = attentionLevelAcc;
switch (orientation) {
case 0:
gauge.CustomBounds = new Rectangle (margin.Left + chartBounds.Width / 2, margin.Top + titleTopMargin, chartBounds.Width / 2 - margin.Left - margin.Right, chartBounds.Height / 2 - margin.Top - margin.Bottom - titleTopMargin);
case 1:
gauge.CustomBounds = new Rectangle (margin.Left + chartBounds.Width / 4, margin.Top + titleTopMargin, chartBounds.Width / 4 - margin.Left - margin.Right, chartBounds.Height - margin.Top - margin.Bottom - titleTopMargin);
Console.WriteLine ("AttentionLevel: " + gauge.CustomBounds);
if (data.IsAttentionLevelAlarm) {
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.Direction = GradientDirection.TopBottom;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.UseMiddle = false;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.StartColor = UIColor.FromRGBA (161, 161, 161, 255).CGColor;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.EndColor = UIColor.Red.CGColor;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Solid = true;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Color = UIColor.FromRGBA (161, 161, 161, 255).CGColor;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Visible = true;
} else {
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.Direction = GradientDirection.TopBottom;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.UseMiddle = false;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.StartColor = UIColor.FromRGBA (161, 161, 161, 255).CGColor;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.EndColor = UIColor.Green.CGColor;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Solid = true;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Color = UIColor.FromRGBA (161, 161, 161, 255).CGColor;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Visible = true;
limit = data.AttentionLevelLimit;
if (limit == 0) {
gauge.GreenLineStartValue = 90;
gauge.GreenLineEndValue = 100;
gauge.RedLineStartValue = 0;
gauge.RedLineEndValue = 90;
} else {
if (limit > 0) {
gauge.GreenLineStartValue = 0;
gauge.GreenLineEndValue = limit;
gauge.RedLineStartValue = limit;
gauge.RedLineEndValue = 100;
} else {
gauge.GreenLineStartValue = Math.Abs (limit);
gauge.GreenLineEndValue = 100;
gauge.RedLineStartValue = 0;
gauge.RedLineEndValue = Math.Abs (limit);
tChart.Series.Add (gauge);
gauge = new CircularGauge ();
gauge.Value = data.ServiceData.ServiceData [0].LevelAbandon;
gauge.LinearGauge.Visible = true;
gauge.AutoValueLinearGauge = false;
gauge.LinearGauge.Value = data.AccServiceData.ServiceData [0].LevelAbandon;
switch (orientation) {
case 0:
gauge.CustomBounds = new Rectangle (margin.Left, margin.Top + titleTopMargin + chartBounds.Height / 2, chartBounds.Width / 2 - margin.Left - margin.Right, chartBounds.Height / 2 - margin.Top - margin.Bottom - titleTopMargin);
case 1:
gauge.CustomBounds = new Rectangle (margin.Left + chartBounds.Width / 2, margin.Top + titleTopMargin, chartBounds.Width / 4 - margin.Left - margin.Right, chartBounds.Height - margin.Top - margin.Bottom - titleTopMargin);
Console.WriteLine ("AbandonLevel: " + gauge.CustomBounds);
if (data.IsAbandonLevelAlarm) {
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.Direction = GradientDirection.TopBottom;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.UseMiddle = false;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.StartColor = UIColor.FromRGBA (161, 161, 161, 255).CGColor;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.EndColor = UIColor.Red.CGColor;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Solid = true;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Color = UIColor.FromRGBA (161, 161, 161, 255).CGColor;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Visible = true;
} else {
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.Direction = GradientDirection.TopBottom;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.UseMiddle = false;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.StartColor = UIColor.FromRGBA (161, 161, 161, 255).CGColor;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.EndColor = UIColor.Green.CGColor;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Solid = true;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Color = UIColor.FromRGBA (161, 161, 161, 255).CGColor;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Visible = true;
limit = data.AbandonLevelLimit;
if (limit == 0) {
gauge.GreenLineStartValue = 0;
gauge.GreenLineEndValue = 10;
gauge.RedLineStartValue = 10;
gauge.RedLineEndValue = 100;
} else {
if (limit > 0) {
gauge.GreenLineStartValue = 0;
gauge.GreenLineEndValue = limit;
gauge.RedLineStartValue = limit;
gauge.RedLineEndValue = 100;
} else {
gauge.GreenLineStartValue = Math.Abs (limit);
gauge.GreenLineEndValue = 100;
gauge.RedLineStartValue = 0;
gauge.RedLineEndValue = Math.Abs (limit);
tChart.Series.Add (gauge);
gauge = new CircularGauge ();
gauge.Value = data.ServiceData.ServiceData [0].Speaking;
gauge.LinearGauge.Visible = true;
gauge.LinearGauge.Value = data.AccServiceData.ServiceData [0].Speaking;
gauge.AutoValueLinearGauge = false;
switch (orientation) {
case 0:
gauge.CustomBounds = new Rectangle (margin.Left + chartBounds.Width / 2, margin.Top + titleTopMargin + chartBounds.Height / 2, chartBounds.Width / 2 - margin.Left - margin.Right, chartBounds.Height / 2 - margin.Top - margin.Bottom - titleTopMargin);
case 1:
gauge.CustomBounds = new Rectangle (margin.Left + 3 * chartBounds.Width / 4, margin.Top + titleTopMargin, chartBounds.Width / 4 - margin.Left - margin.Right, chartBounds.Height - margin.Top - margin.Bottom - titleTopMargin);
Console.WriteLine ("Speaking: " + gauge.CustomBounds);
if (data.IsSpeakingLevelAlarm) {
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.Direction = GradientDirection.TopBottom;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.UseMiddle = false;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.StartColor = UIColor.FromRGBA (161, 161, 161, 255).CGColor;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.EndColor = UIColor.Red.CGColor;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Solid = true;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Color = UIColor.FromRGBA (161, 161, 161, 255).CGColor;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Visible = true;
} else {
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.Direction = GradientDirection.TopBottom;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.UseMiddle = false;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.StartColor = UIColor.FromRGBA (161, 161, 161, 255).CGColor;
gauge.FaceBrush.Gradient.EndColor = UIColor.Green.CGColor;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Solid = true;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Color = UIColor.FromRGBA (161, 161, 161, 255).CGColor;
gauge.LinearGauge.ValueAreaBrush.Visible = true;
limit = data.SpeakingLevelLimit;
if (limit == 0) {
gauge.GreenLineStartValue = 90;
gauge.GreenLineEndValue = 100;
gauge.RedLineStartValue = 0;
gauge.RedLineEndValue = 90;
} else {
if (limit > 0) {
gauge.GreenLineStartValue = 0;
gauge.GreenLineEndValue = limit;
gauge.RedLineStartValue = limit;
gauge.RedLineEndValue = 100;
} else {
gauge.GreenLineStartValue = Math.Abs (limit);
gauge.GreenLineEndValue = 100;
gauge.RedLineStartValue = 0;
gauge.RedLineEndValue = Math.Abs (limit);
tChart.Series.Add (gauge);
tChart.Hidden = false;
private static void GetSeriesMark (Series series, GetSeriesMarkEventArgs e)
var value = series.GetMarkValue (e.ValueIndex);
if (value > 0) {
e.MarkText = value + "";
} else {
e.MarkText = "";
void tChart1_AfterDraw(object sender, Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Graphics3D g)
int fontSize = 12;
int subTitleTopMargin = 0;
RectangleF chartBounds = ContentView.Bounds;
string text = NSBundle.MainBundle.LocalizedString ("Service Level","");
PointF p = new PointF(0, 0);
g.Font.Color = UIColor.White.CGColor;
g.Font.Size = fontSize;
if ((UIDevice.CurrentDevice.Orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.LandscapeLeft) || (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.Orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.LandscapeRight)) {
subTitleTopMargin = 0;
p = new PointF (chartBounds.Width / 4 / 2 - (g.TextWidth (text) / 2), titleTopMargin + subTitleTopMargin + (g.TextHeight (text) / 2));
} else {
p = new PointF(chartBounds.Width / 2 / 2 - (g.TextWidth(text) / 2), titleTopMargin + subTitleTopMargin + (g.TextHeight(text) / 2));
g.TextOut(Convert.ToInt32(p.X), Convert.ToInt32(p.Y), text);
text = NSBundle.MainBundle.LocalizedString ("Attention Level","");
if ((UIDevice.CurrentDevice.Orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.LandscapeLeft) || (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.Orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.LandscapeRight)) {
subTitleTopMargin = 0;
p = new PointF(chartBounds.Width / 4 / 2 - (g.TextWidth(text) / 2) + chartBounds.Width / 4, titleTopMargin + subTitleTopMargin + (g.TextHeight(text) / 2));
} else {
p = new PointF(chartBounds.Width / 2 / 2 - (g.TextWidth(text) / 2) + chartBounds.Width / 2, titleTopMargin + subTitleTopMargin + (g.TextHeight(text) / 2));
g.Font.Color = ThemeManager.GraphSubTitleColor.CGColor;
g.Font.Size = fontSize;
g.TextOut(Convert.ToInt32(p.X), Convert.ToInt32(p.Y), text);
text = NSBundle.MainBundle.LocalizedString ("Abandon Level","");
if ((UIDevice.CurrentDevice.Orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.LandscapeLeft) || (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.Orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.LandscapeRight)) {
subTitleTopMargin = 0;
p = new PointF(chartBounds.Width / 4 / 2 - (g.TextWidth(text) / 2) + chartBounds.Width / 2, titleTopMargin + subTitleTopMargin + (g.TextHeight(text) / 2));
} else {
p = new PointF(chartBounds.Width / 2 / 2 - (g.TextWidth(text) / 2), chartBounds.Height / 2 + titleTopMargin + subTitleTopMargin + (g.TextHeight(text) / 2));
g.Font.Color = ThemeManager.GraphSubTitleColor.CGColor;
g.Font.Size = fontSize;
g.TextOut(Convert.ToInt32(p.X), Convert.ToInt32(p.Y), text);
text = NSBundle.MainBundle.LocalizedString ("Speaking","");
if ((UIDevice.CurrentDevice.Orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.LandscapeLeft) || (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.Orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.LandscapeRight)) {
subTitleTopMargin = 0;
p = new PointF(3 * chartBounds.Width / 4 + chartBounds.Width / 4 / 2 - (g.TextWidth(text) / 2), titleTopMargin + subTitleTopMargin + (g.TextHeight(text) / 2));
} else {
p = new PointF(chartBounds.Width / 2 / 2 - (g.TextWidth(text) / 2) + chartBounds.Width / 2, chartBounds.Height / 2 + titleTopMargin + subTitleTopMargin + (g.TextHeight(text) / 2));
g.Font.Color = ThemeManager.GraphSubTitleColor.CGColor;
g.Font.Size = fontSize;
g.TextOut(Convert.ToInt32(p.X), Convert.ToInt32(p.Y), text);
Chart.Hidden = false;
Problem 2: If I try to use UIColor.Gray an exception is thrown. I solved this using UIColor.FromRGBA (161, 161, 161, 255) instead.
Problem 3: The gauges don't look really pretty in iOS. Is there any way to make them look like the Android/Phone versions?
The code is similar in windows phone, but replacing Color types with the appropriate ones.