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How do I center the Lengend?

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 8:14 pm
by 8125640
I have a legend positioned at the bottom of a chart. The legend is not horizontally centered to the control. It is centered on the "grid" of the chart.

I have "Resize Chart" selected. "Margin" and "Position Offset%" do not seem to make the legend center themselves.

Any ideas?


Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:02 am
by Pep
Hi Jeff,

you can align it using :
tChart1.Legend.TopLeftPos = 0;

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 12:11 pm
by 8125640
Is there a way to do it in the Editor during design as well?


Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 10:52 am
by Pep
Hi Jeff,

no, there's no way that I know of. I'll add on our wish list to be considered for the next releases.