Colors changed in color palette
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:38 am
I just loaded evaluation version of version 2009 to see if it makes sense for us to upgrade... In general, several things are working here (while not working in prior version) and drawing seems to be better. But there is one problem. We are using TChart color palette as our default, so our users will see the same graphs as they have seen for the past 10 years. Ok, in version 3 this palette has 20 colors and matches pretty close to the one from VCL times, but in 2009 - there are only 19, with the second (green) being missing! This issue alone will prevent us from upgrading unless there is a way to provide our own custom palette to TChart (assuming that it will be used in ALL cases, when the system needs to get a color). With color palettes being really "touchy" as they are, I am not sure that custom one is a realistic solution. So here is my question: was there really a business reason to drop the color from one of your palettes, or it is just a bug and you are going to fix it?