I am having problem in adding custom labels in bottom axis.
Actuallly, i am following the below steps...
I am drawing my own grid line and the number of gridline is 3 always.
I want 3 labels to be shown just below each grid line and one label at the start.
One problem is how can is i am not able to draw the labels at these positions.
Another problem is, the first and the last label is always getting truncated because of the size.
Code: Select all
public CreateControl()
mcCharControl.Axes.Bottom.Visible = true;
mcCharControl.Axes.Bottom.Grid.Visible = false;
mcCharControl.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Visible = true;
mcCharControl.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Style = Steema.TeeChart.AxisLabelStyle.Value;
mcCharControl.Axes.Bottom.Labels.TextAlign = StringAlignment.Near;
mcCharControl.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Separation = 10;
mcCharControl.Axes.Bottom.MinorGrid.Visible = false;
mcCharControl.Axes.Bottom.MinorTicks.Visible = false;
mcCharControl.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Font.Bold = true;
mcCharControl.Axes.Bottom.Labels.ClipText = false;
mcCharControl.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Font.Name = "Arial";
mcCharControl.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Font.SizeFloat = 8.5f;
mcCharControl.AfterDraw += new Steema.TeeChart.PaintChartEventHandler(mcCharControl_AfterDraw);
void mcCharControl_AfterDraw(object sender, Graphics3D g)
Steema.TeeChart.TChart chart = sender as Steema.TeeChart.TChart;
//chart.Axes.Bottom.Increment = chart.Axes.Bottom.Maximum/3;
//Get the value at the specific location where grid line is drawn - Not getting these
int _ColumnWidth = (int)(chart.Chart.ChartRect.Width) / 3;
int YPosUnit = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
double Val = chart.Axes.Bottom.CalcPosPoint(YPosUnit);
int StartPos = YPosUnit;
(chart.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Items.Add(Val)).Font.Bold = true;
YPosUnit = YPosUnit + _ColumnWidth;
public void DrawGridLines(Rectangle ChartRect, Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Graphics3D g)
int iHorLines = 3;
int iVerLines = 3;
double _ColumnWidth = (ChartRect.Width) / iVerLines;
double _RowHeight = ((double)(ChartRect.Height) / (double)(iHorLines));
//Draw vertical grid lines
double YPosUnit = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < iVerLines; i++)
double StartPos = YPosUnit;
DrawVerticalTicks(g, _ColumnWidth, StartPos, ChartRect);
YPosUnit = YPosUnit + _ColumnWidth;
PaintGridLine(g, YPosUnit, (double)ChartRect.Bottom, YPosUnit, (double)ChartRect.Top);
//Draw the Horizontal grid lines
double XPosUnit = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < iHorLines; i++)
double StartPos = XPosUnit;
DrawHorTicks(g, _RowHeight, StartPos, ChartRect);
XPosUnit = XPosUnit + _RowHeight;
PaintGridLine(g, (double)ChartRect.Left, XPosUnit, (double)ChartRect.Right, XPosUnit);
Please let me know if i am doing anything wrong.