Upgrade to .Net version 2010 from .Net version 2009
Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:56 pm
Hi, I just upgraded my teechart from .Netv2009 to .Netv2010.
After Installed the .Net v2010, I found I need to replace the Teechart reference manually by removing old reference and adding new reference in my previous C# application.
But after I re-compiled my application and I looked the property tab of my Teechart component and clicked on "About Steema.TeeChart..." at the bottom of the tab, I saw a pop-up showing me a version info which look like still Teechart Pro .Net v2009.
My questions are :
1. After Installed the .Net version 2010, should I need to remove the Teachart control alread setup and then add new Teechart control and re-setup again(I don't want to do that because that's a lot work to do), OR the installation can automatically replace the old Teechart control with the lastest one current installed(I think it should be)?
2. In my Toolbox area(VS2008), there are duplicated icons for the Teechart component some for 4.1.2010 and some for 4.0.2009. Should I simply delete old ones or there is some way to remove the v2009 completely?
Is there any instruction about upgrading from TeeChart .Net vesion 2009 to TeeChartNET2010VSNET2003_4.1.2010.09280?
Thanks a lot.
Terry Pan
After Installed the .Net v2010, I found I need to replace the Teechart reference manually by removing old reference and adding new reference in my previous C# application.
But after I re-compiled my application and I looked the property tab of my Teechart component and clicked on "About Steema.TeeChart..." at the bottom of the tab, I saw a pop-up showing me a version info which look like still Teechart Pro .Net v2009.
My questions are :
1. After Installed the .Net version 2010, should I need to remove the Teachart control alread setup and then add new Teechart control and re-setup again(I don't want to do that because that's a lot work to do), OR the installation can automatically replace the old Teechart control with the lastest one current installed(I think it should be)?
2. In my Toolbox area(VS2008), there are duplicated icons for the Teechart component some for 4.1.2010 and some for 4.0.2009. Should I simply delete old ones or there is some way to remove the v2009 completely?
Is there any instruction about upgrading from TeeChart .Net vesion 2009 to TeeChartNET2010VSNET2003_4.1.2010.09280?
Thanks a lot.
Terry Pan