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Offset on Zooming area in Windows 8/10

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 9:10 am
by 13046648

I am using the zooming feature in Teechart for .Net 3.5.3700.305745.

On Windows 8 and Windows 10 systems which have a display size of 125%, the zoom-in area is displayed with an offset from the mouse pointer, which makes this feature very difficult to use.

Is there a code workaround for this problem?

Has this problem been solved in later versions?

If not, could you file a bug and let me know when it is addressed?

I will gladly upgrade when you have a fix.



Re: Offset on Zooming area in Windows 8/10

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 9:18 am
by Christopher
DieterDHoker wrote: If not, could you file a bug and let me know when it is addressed?
This bug is in our system with id=814. Unfortunately, as you can read by following the link to a similar stackoverflow question, the issue seems to be with the Windows API and is not specific to TeeChart. We have tried to workaround the issue internally but without any success.