MultiSeries and MultiLevel Chart
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 3:56 pm
I am building a chart that has 2 series (1 bar and 1 point) and multilevels and can not find a way to fix 2 issues:
1 - as you can see clearly at first chart, the header is bumping with the chart area. I would like to reduce the chart area to avoid it.
2 - at 2nd chart I would like to centralize the points withing each header This is the code where I configure the series:
Dim myBar As Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bar = New Styles.Bar(myChart.Chart)
Dim myPoint As Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Points = New Styles.Points(myChart.Chart)
For i = 0 To lsInd.Count - 1
If nNrInfo = 2 Then
myBar.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lsInd(i)(1)), v_corSubTitForm)
End If
myPoint.Add(lsInd(i)(0), If(lsInd(i)(0) < 35, Color.Red, If(lsInd(i)(0) > 75, Color.Green, Color.Yellow)))
myBar.MultiBar = MultiBars.None
myBar.Legend.Visible = False
myBar.HorizAxis = HorizontalAxis.Bottom
myBar.VertAxis = VerticalAxis.Right
myBar.Marks.Visible = True
myBar.MarksOnBar = True
myBar.Marks.TailStyle = MarksTail.None
myBar.Chart.Axes.Right.Title.Text = "Nr. de Fêmeas"
myBar.Chart.Axes.Right.Automatic = True
myBar.Chart.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Visible = False
myBar.Chart.Axes.Right.Grid.Color = Color.Transparent
myBar.SideMargins = True
myPoint.HorizAxis = HorizontalAxis.Bottom
myPoint.Legend.Visible = False
myPoint.VertAxis = VerticalAxis.Left
myPoint.Marks.Visible = True
myPoint.Marks.Font.Size = 16
myPoint.Marks.Transparent = True
myPoint.Marks.ArrowLength = -myPoint.Marks.Font.Size
myPoint.Marks.Arrow.Visible = False
myPoint.Marks.Visible = True
myPoint.Marks.ShapeStyle = Drawing.TextShapeStyle.RoundRectangle
myPoint.ColorEach = False
myPoint.Marks.Color = Color.Transparent
myPoint.Marks.TailStyle = MarksTail.WithPointer
myPoint.Marks.Font.Size = 7
myPoint.Chart.Axes.Left.Title.Text = "Taxa de Concepção"
myPoint.Chart.Axes.Left.Automatic = False
myPoint.Chart.Axes.Left.Minimum = 0
myPoint.Chart.Axes.Left.Maximum = 100
myPoint.Chart.Axes.Left.Increment = 10
myPoint.Chart.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Visible = False
And this is the "Afterdraw" procedure (to draw the header) (this procedure is from Steema Example):
If (myChart.Series.Count > 0) Then
g.Pen.Color = Color.DarkGray
Dim vertgrid As New List(Of Integer)
Dim topRowCount As Integer = ggfGetSecoesHorizontais() + 1
Dim hasMeses As Boolean = (vertgrid(0) > 2)
Dim hasCats As Boolean = (vertgrid(1) > 2)
Dim hasDivs As Boolean = (vertgrid(2) > 2)
Dim catCount As Integer = vertgrid(0) * vertgrid(1)
Dim divCount As Integer = vertgrid(0) * vertgrid(1) * vertgrid(2)
'Dim chartTop As Integer = myChart.Axes.Left.IStartPos + 8 ' //some separation
Dim chartTop As Integer = myChart.Axes.Left.IStartPos + 5 ' //some separation
myChart.Axes.Left.IStartPos = chartTop + 80
'myChart.Chart.Axes.Right.IStartPos = myChart.Chart.Axes.Right.IStartPos + 80
Dim chartLeft As Integer = myChart.Axes.Left.Position '+ 15
Dim chartBottom As Integer = myChart.Axes.Bottom.Position
Dim chartRight As Integer = 0
'Top Grid Zone
If (myChart.Axes.Custom.Count = 0) Then
chartRight = myChart.Axes.Bottom.IEndPos
chartRight = lastHorizAxis.IEndPos
End If
For i As Integer = 0 To topRowCount - 1
g.Line(chartLeft, chartTop - (15 * i), chartRight, chartTop - (15 * i))
If (hasDivs And (i = 0)) Then
'ggpImpTopGrid(g, chartTop, chartLeft, chartRight, chartTop - (15 * i), 15, 2, divCount, "div", vertgrid(2))
ggpImpTopGrid(g, chartTop, chartLeft, chartRight, chartTop - (15 * i), 15, 2, divCount, lsN3_2, vertgrid(2))
End If
If ((hasDivs = False And hasCats And (i = 0)) Or (hasDivs And hasCats And (i = 1))) Then
'ggpImpTopGrid(g, chartTop, chartLeft, chartRight, chartTop - (15 * i), 15, 2, catCount, "cat", vertgrid(1))
ggpImpTopGrid(g, chartTop, chartLeft, chartRight, chartTop - (15 * i), 15, 2, catCount, lsN2_2, vertgrid(1))
End If
If ((hasDivs = False And hasCats = False And (i = 0)) Or (hasDivs And hasCats = False And (i = 1)) Or (hasDivs = False And hasCats And (i = 1)) Or (hasDivs And hasCats And hasDivs And (i = 2))) Then
'ggpImpTopGrid(g, chartTop, chartLeft, chartRight, chartTop - (15 * i), 15, 2, vertgrid(0), "month", vertgrid(0))
ggpImpTopGrid(g, chartTop, chartLeft, chartRight, chartTop - (15 * i), 15, 2, vertgrid(0), lsN1, vertgrid(0))
End If
Thanks for help
I am building a chart that has 2 series (1 bar and 1 point) and multilevels and can not find a way to fix 2 issues:
1 - as you can see clearly at first chart, the header is bumping with the chart area. I would like to reduce the chart area to avoid it.
2 - at 2nd chart I would like to centralize the points withing each header This is the code where I configure the series:
Dim myBar As Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bar = New Styles.Bar(myChart.Chart)
Dim myPoint As Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Points = New Styles.Points(myChart.Chart)
For i = 0 To lsInd.Count - 1
If nNrInfo = 2 Then
myBar.Add(Convert.ToDouble(lsInd(i)(1)), v_corSubTitForm)
End If
myPoint.Add(lsInd(i)(0), If(lsInd(i)(0) < 35, Color.Red, If(lsInd(i)(0) > 75, Color.Green, Color.Yellow)))
myBar.MultiBar = MultiBars.None
myBar.Legend.Visible = False
myBar.HorizAxis = HorizontalAxis.Bottom
myBar.VertAxis = VerticalAxis.Right
myBar.Marks.Visible = True
myBar.MarksOnBar = True
myBar.Marks.TailStyle = MarksTail.None
myBar.Chart.Axes.Right.Title.Text = "Nr. de Fêmeas"
myBar.Chart.Axes.Right.Automatic = True
myBar.Chart.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Visible = False
myBar.Chart.Axes.Right.Grid.Color = Color.Transparent
myBar.SideMargins = True
myPoint.HorizAxis = HorizontalAxis.Bottom
myPoint.Legend.Visible = False
myPoint.VertAxis = VerticalAxis.Left
myPoint.Marks.Visible = True
myPoint.Marks.Font.Size = 16
myPoint.Marks.Transparent = True
myPoint.Marks.ArrowLength = -myPoint.Marks.Font.Size
myPoint.Marks.Arrow.Visible = False
myPoint.Marks.Visible = True
myPoint.Marks.ShapeStyle = Drawing.TextShapeStyle.RoundRectangle
myPoint.ColorEach = False
myPoint.Marks.Color = Color.Transparent
myPoint.Marks.TailStyle = MarksTail.WithPointer
myPoint.Marks.Font.Size = 7
myPoint.Chart.Axes.Left.Title.Text = "Taxa de Concepção"
myPoint.Chart.Axes.Left.Automatic = False
myPoint.Chart.Axes.Left.Minimum = 0
myPoint.Chart.Axes.Left.Maximum = 100
myPoint.Chart.Axes.Left.Increment = 10
myPoint.Chart.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Visible = False
And this is the "Afterdraw" procedure (to draw the header) (this procedure is from Steema Example):
If (myChart.Series.Count > 0) Then
g.Pen.Color = Color.DarkGray
Dim vertgrid As New List(Of Integer)
Dim topRowCount As Integer = ggfGetSecoesHorizontais() + 1
Dim hasMeses As Boolean = (vertgrid(0) > 2)
Dim hasCats As Boolean = (vertgrid(1) > 2)
Dim hasDivs As Boolean = (vertgrid(2) > 2)
Dim catCount As Integer = vertgrid(0) * vertgrid(1)
Dim divCount As Integer = vertgrid(0) * vertgrid(1) * vertgrid(2)
'Dim chartTop As Integer = myChart.Axes.Left.IStartPos + 8 ' //some separation
Dim chartTop As Integer = myChart.Axes.Left.IStartPos + 5 ' //some separation
myChart.Axes.Left.IStartPos = chartTop + 80
'myChart.Chart.Axes.Right.IStartPos = myChart.Chart.Axes.Right.IStartPos + 80
Dim chartLeft As Integer = myChart.Axes.Left.Position '+ 15
Dim chartBottom As Integer = myChart.Axes.Bottom.Position
Dim chartRight As Integer = 0
'Top Grid Zone
If (myChart.Axes.Custom.Count = 0) Then
chartRight = myChart.Axes.Bottom.IEndPos
chartRight = lastHorizAxis.IEndPos
End If
For i As Integer = 0 To topRowCount - 1
g.Line(chartLeft, chartTop - (15 * i), chartRight, chartTop - (15 * i))
If (hasDivs And (i = 0)) Then
'ggpImpTopGrid(g, chartTop, chartLeft, chartRight, chartTop - (15 * i), 15, 2, divCount, "div", vertgrid(2))
ggpImpTopGrid(g, chartTop, chartLeft, chartRight, chartTop - (15 * i), 15, 2, divCount, lsN3_2, vertgrid(2))
End If
If ((hasDivs = False And hasCats And (i = 0)) Or (hasDivs And hasCats And (i = 1))) Then
'ggpImpTopGrid(g, chartTop, chartLeft, chartRight, chartTop - (15 * i), 15, 2, catCount, "cat", vertgrid(1))
ggpImpTopGrid(g, chartTop, chartLeft, chartRight, chartTop - (15 * i), 15, 2, catCount, lsN2_2, vertgrid(1))
End If
If ((hasDivs = False And hasCats = False And (i = 0)) Or (hasDivs And hasCats = False And (i = 1)) Or (hasDivs = False And hasCats And (i = 1)) Or (hasDivs And hasCats And hasDivs And (i = 2))) Then
'ggpImpTopGrid(g, chartTop, chartLeft, chartRight, chartTop - (15 * i), 15, 2, vertgrid(0), "month", vertgrid(0))
ggpImpTopGrid(g, chartTop, chartLeft, chartRight, chartTop - (15 * i), 15, 2, vertgrid(0), lsN1, vertgrid(0))
End If
Thanks for help