MAUI Line chart makes a white bubble on point on drag.
Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 11:01 pm
MAUI Line chart makes a white/transparent bubble on point on drag. the bubble moves with the drag, as if panning moves the bubble along. Below the Line config.
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public static Line CreateLine( this Chart chart )
Line line = new(chart)
ColorEach = false,
ColorEachLine = false,
TreatNaNAsNull = true,
TreatNulls = TreatNullsStyle.Skip,
Color = Black,
Visible = true,
Active = true,
ClickableLine = false,
DateTimeFormat = "MMM dd, yyyy",
XValues =
DateTime = true,
Order = ValueListOrder.Ascending
YValues =
DateTime = false,
Order = ValueListOrder.Ascending
Brush = { Color = Black },
LinePen = { Color = Black },
Marks =
Color = GhostWhite,
ClipText = true,
Transparent = false,
AutoSize = true,
AutoPosition = true,
FollowSeriesColor = true,
FontSeriesColor = true,
CheckMarkArrowColor = true,
Visible = false,
ArrowLength = 10,
Arrow = { Visible = true },
Font =
Name = Charts.FONT,
Size = 8
Pointer =
Visible = true,
SizeUnits = PointerSizeUnits.Pixels,
Style = PointerStyles.Circle,
HorizSize = 4,
VertSize = 4,
SizeDouble = 0D,
Pen =
Width = 3,
Visible = true
Legend =
Visible = false,
AutoSize = true
chart.Series.Add( line );
return line;