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ShowEditor unhandled exception issue

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 9:03 pm
by 9234539
Hi all,
I am using VC++ 2003 .net and teechart .net beta
this is really weird. I am not sure if it's teechart problem or vc .net bug

Add a teechart, and some function in the form, whenever I reference pointer or recast, ex (*mat)(i,j) or (*char) in any of funtion. The tChart1->ShowEditor() will raise a unhandled exception at runtime, saying "DragDrop registration failed."

This must be a compile issue, 'cause the error is not raised by those function which contain the pointer code, but the ShowEditor(). And even I don't call those function, I still get that error. Funny, without ShowEditor(), the code works.

Anyway, I don't get error if I compile it in release mode.

Just curious if anybody had this before, or is it a known issue?

Best Regards

p.s By the way, teechart .net won't compile for 2005 vc++ .net express

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 11:18 am
by Chris
Hi Fang,
Just curious if anybody had this before, or is it a known issue?
Mmm ... well, I've done some extensive tests adding functions into a designtime chart using the chart editor and have found a small problem which I have corrected. The problem was that some of the teechart code in the InitializeComponent() method wasn't correct having clicked on the "Apply" button in the datasource tab. I don't know if this is what was happening with you but would be very interested to find out; could you please give me some step by step instructions on how to reproduce the error at here?
p.s By the way, teechart .net won't compile for 2005 vc++ .net express
No, we have created a teechart.dll (version 2, that is) which we compiled under the .NET Framework v2.0 but it is not publicly available at present.

Many thanks!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 3:11 pm
by 9234539
this must have something to do with the matrix(from i am using. The following code had the above problem in debug mode. But I can't reproduce it if I replace the matrix_f to std::vector or other simple pointer. So maybe the template inside matrix messed up sth :)

typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<float_t> matrix_f;

private: Steema::TeeChart::TChart * tChart1;
private: System::Windows::Forms::Button * button1;
private: Steema::TeeChart::Styles::ColorGrid * colorGrid1;

matrix_f *m_Mat;
m_Mat=new matrix_f();
System::Void FillSeries()
for (size_t i=0; i<m_Mat->size1(); i++)
for (size_t j=0; j<m_Mat->size2(); j++)

System::Void button1_Click(System::Object * sender, System::EventArgs * e)