What is the maximum length of an x-axis one can use with the ColorGrid? I have been using ColorGrids without any problems, until yesterday when I charted a series with about 20,000 points. This causes a runtime exception.
I have not yet investigated further. I wanted to first find out if there is a known limit I am hitting. If so, is there an alternative to the ColorGrid?
In my application, the ColorGrid is used to create a graphic that is similar to a horizontal stacked bar. However, each x-axis data point is assigned a particular color. Is there any other approach (besides the ColorGrid) in TeeChart that would be better for producing a horizontal row of colors with the ability to set a color for each x-axis point based on a y or z value?
BTW, the new annotation callout is really cool! There are many nice new features in the last release.
What are the series size limitations of a ColorGrid?
If you have TeeChart sources, you could change this value to larger number (but we don't recommend it).
In the latest version any Custom3DGrid series size is limited to 2000x2000 cells (2000 points in x direction, 2000 points in z direction). This is defined in Custom3DGrid.cs as:an x-axis one can use with the ColorGrid
Code: Select all
private const int MaxAllowedCells=2000; /* max 2000 x 2000 cells */
Try replacing group of points in x and z direftion with one point represending the average value. Or use another approach to reduce actual number of points you're adding to series.charted a series with about 20,000 points
Marjan Slatinek,