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What are the series size limitations of a ColorGrid?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 5:28 pm
by 8122607
What is the maximum length of an x-axis one can use with the ColorGrid? I have been using ColorGrids without any problems, until yesterday when I charted a series with about 20,000 points. This causes a runtime exception.

I have not yet investigated further. I wanted to first find out if there is a known limit I am hitting. If so, is there an alternative to the ColorGrid?

In my application, the ColorGrid is used to create a graphic that is similar to a horizontal stacked bar. However, each x-axis data point is assigned a particular color. Is there any other approach (besides the ColorGrid) in TeeChart that would be better for producing a horizontal row of colors with the ability to set a color for each x-axis point based on a y or z value?


BTW, the new annotation callout is really cool! There are many nice new features in the last release.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 5:11 pm
by Marjan
an x-axis one can use with the ColorGrid
In the latest version any Custom3DGrid series size is limited to 2000x2000 cells (2000 points in x direction, 2000 points in z direction). This is defined in Custom3DGrid.cs as:

Code: Select all

    private const int MaxAllowedCells=2000; /* max 2000 x 2000 cells */
If you have TeeChart sources, you could change this value to larger number (but we don't recommend it).
charted a series with about 20,000 points
Try replacing group of points in x and z direftion with one point represending the average value. Or use another approach to reduce actual number of points you're adding to series.