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TeeChart.dll dependencies, memory requirements

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:18 am
by 9639223

We are currently using TeeChart in one of our WinForms applications which are supposed to run under WinXP Embedded on a pc with not so much memory (256mb or 384mb). And the problem is that TeeChart.dll contains the code both for WinForms and WebForms. Last one references System.Web.dll which requires from the CLR to allocate too much virtual memory. So the application frequently fails with OutOfMemoryException.

So, we need the TeeChart assembly for Windows Forms only with less memory requirements. I hope this shouldn't be a hard task to exclude Steema.TeeChart.Web namespace from build using conditional compilation (or anything you prefer to it) and remove references to System.Web.

Thanks in advance,

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:43 am
by narcis
Hi Alexander,

Are you using Microsoft's .NET Compact Framework or the full .NET's Framework on Win XP Embedded?

If you are using .NET's Compact Framework you should use TeeChart.Pocket.dll which doesn't include WebForms.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:14 pm
by 9639223
I'm using full .Net Framework 2.0. Win XP Embedded is a highly customizable version of Win XP, which has nothing in common with Windows Mobile. So I don't think it can run .Net Compact Framework applications. Anyway, I don't need to run my app on the CF.

The problem is the target PC has only 256Mb of RAM and no hard drive where it can place swap file. So the application which uses TeeChart in most cases fails with OutOfMemoryException.

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:46 pm
by narcis
Hi Alexander,

Thanks for the information. I'll inform TeeChart for .NET designers and I'll get back to you when I have further information.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:48 am
by Marc
Hello Alexander,

There may be a call for separating the TeeChart Win and Web Form assemblies but we are not sure that important memory gains will be made. To attempt to confirm that though, we have run tests. The TeeChart dll itself reduces in size by 40KB when the Web elements are removed. Differences to virtual memory used when loaded are neglibible but we may have missed key elements to follow in our tests so let us know if you have any differing information that you think we should reference. We used Perfmon to monitor the Private Bytes (memory allocated to the process that cannot be shared by other processes) of a Winform application using TeeChart compiled with or without the Web components and came up with virtually identical results for memory useage.

The memory error you have experienced may be caused by other factors. The amount of data in the Chart is one element that will have a direct influence on memory use, each data point will require a certain amount of memory space, that will vary depending on whether labels are added and/or colours defined. A Chart with 100,000 points will use more data than a Chart with 10 points. Are you able to give us any more information about under what circumstances memory errors occur? If you follow machine memory useage with the task manager (does WinXP Embedded include a Task Manager?) or Perfmon what virtual memory results are you seeing on loading your application?

We can arrange to run further tests with you should no progress be made via your own checks.

Marc Meumann

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 1:28 pm
by 9639223
Hello, Marc

Regarding Windows XP Embedded: there are no major differences with WinXP Pro related to .Net Framework. The main problem is that the target device can have read-only hdd or flash drive so there is no ability to swap pages from RAM. You can reproduce the case by running winxp on the pc with 256mb RAM and turning off swap file (it may be easier to use virtual machine instead of the physical one, VMWare and MS Virtual PC are suitable for this).

Another problem is that System.Web.dll with all referenced assemblies and ngen-compiled images requires about 30 Mb of the flash drive storage, which is 128 or 256Mb total.


Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 5:45 pm
by Marc
Hello Alexander,

Please email me at marc at steema dot com to arrange tests of a TeeChart version to address the memory requirement.

Marc Meumann