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Webchart not displayed in browser

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:16 am
by 9640127
We do not want to use Session variables in our web application.
Is there any way to get the Tee-chart displayed without using Session? i.e. without using GetChart.aspx?

What about the TempChartStyle.File option? As of now i have managed to get the png files created on my custom directory by making appropriate registry changes. However these pictures do not appear on the web page. instead a red cross appears.

Please advice.


Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:27 am
by narcis

Another option, which is included in the tutorials shipped with the next TeeChart for .NET v2 maintenance release is using an Httphandler:

The Httphandler option uses an internal TeeChart (WebChart) generator to recover the Chart image for the page.

The option generates no temporary files and requires no additional aspx file to recover a Chart (as would be the case with the Session and Cache options). The option requires one modification to the web.config file:

Anywhere between the web.config <system.web> </system.web> tages place the following section:

Code: Select all

<system.web>   <httpHandlers>        <add verb="*" path="TeeChartImgGen.ashx" 

type="Steema.TeeChart.Web.TeeChartImgGen, TeeChart"/>   </httpHandlers>  /*..content cut for brevity ..*/  
