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Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 7:58 am
by 8121167
I have developed an aspx page with using TeeChart Pro dotNet
> version. It works fine on my local machine which has an installation. But
> when I tried to deploy it on a intranet server, which has no installation
> but a copy of project with TeeChart.dll and TeeChart.xml in the
> bin directory I got an error
> Could not find a part of the path
> "c:_chart_tempWebChart1127001380263096224421.png".
> which sounds like a security problem. The site enables anoymous access
> with machine user account. It also uses some other thirdy party softwares
> with no problem. Any help is appreciated. If you need any other information please let me know.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 12:52 pm
by Chris
Hi --

Is there any other information you can give me concerning the error?

Many thanks!

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 3:21 pm
by 8121167
Thank you for the reply, Chris.

I'm not sure what sort of more information you need. What is the standard deployment procedure for TeeChart? I just copied my local project directory structure in wwwroot to the server's. I suppose the server does not need an installation.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 3:03 pm
by Chris
Hi --
Thank you for the reply, Chris.

I'm not sure what sort of more information you need. What is the standard deployment procedure for TeeChart? I just copied my local project directory structure in wwwroot to the server's. I suppose the server does not need an installation.
Mmm ... maybe this is relevant (taken from "Tutorial9 - ASP.NET Applications"):

The File setting should be used if you wish to write temporary files to disk. By default, when TeeChart is installed, it creates registry keys with the temporary file location and equivalent virtual folder name. The keys are as follows:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Steema Software\TeeChart.NET] "VirtualShare"="/TeeChartForNET" "ShareFolder"="C:\\Program Files\\Steema Software\\TeeChart for .NET v1\\TeeChartForNET"

The above settings are as would be created in a standard English Language machine if default install locations are accepted. The TeeChartNET virtual folder is created by the TeeChart installer. You may change these registry settings provided you create the necessary IIS Virtual Share location to reflect the new registry value.

WebChart saves files to a folder called _Chart_tmp below the folder named in the ShareFolder registry key.

Temporary files are not deleted by TeeChart though a utility may be included for you to do so automatically as a Windows scheduled task, please check TeeChart inclusions with the current version.