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Hiding the vertical axis

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:12 am
by 9640591
if there is no data on the vertical axis, i would like to hide the title. how can i do that?

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:28 am
by 9348258
Hi usc

I've supposed that you want to hide the left axis, you can do it as below line:

Code: Select all

tChart1.Axes.Left.Visible = false;

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:36 am
by 9640591
Hi Edu

With reference the the image [img]Chart_Legend[/img].

I have a custom axis on the left along with the left axis. If you check the image, I have a checked list box of plot groups in the right hand side of the screen.Each plot group corresponds to a set of series and also the custom axis depends upon the series which is visible.

When I select a group, if it corresponds to a series which requires the second left axis to displayed then I should make it visible.Also If I uncheck any of the groups then it should be made invisible.

The problem I am facing is how to check whether the custom axis is bound to any data or any series is visible which corresponds to the custom axis.

I hope I have made my requirement more detailed and clear.


Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 9:12 am
by 9348258
Hi usc
With reference the the image [img]Chart_Legend[/img].
We can't see the image, could you please send us it?
You can post your files either at [url]news://[/url] newsgroup or at our upload page

Please let us know when you have posted it.

Thanks in advance

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 4:57 am
by 9640591
Hi Edu

I have posted the image using your upload page.Please find below the details of the upload.
"Received Chart_Legend.bmp Content Type image/bmp Length 1588278"


Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:10 am
by 9348258
Hi usc
The problem I am facing is how to check whether the custom axis is bound to any data or any series is visible which corresponds to the custom axis.
You can know the associates axis to each series, with GetVertAxis and GetHorizAxis properties, you can do something similar as below code:

Code: Select all

            if (line2.Visible)
                Axis a = line2.GetVertAxis;
                //your code...

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:53 am
by 9640591
Thanks Edu

its working with my custom code. :D