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Utility for deleting Web Chart temporary files?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 7:06 am
by 9643078

I am using Webchart in an ASP.NET application and have chosen to store the charts as File as described in Chapter 9 in the tutorial.

In the tutorial it says:

"WebChart saves files to a folder called _Chart_tmp below the folder named in the ShareFolder registry key.

Temporary files are not deleted by TeeChart though a utility may be included for you to do so automatically as a Windows scheduled task, please check TeeChart inclusions with the current version. "

Could you please describe where I can find this utility?

I am using TeeChart version 2.0.2489.20951.

Best regards


Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 7:49 am
by narcis
Hi Hakan,

I'm sorry but we don't have this tool available for now. However it can be achieve quite easily creating a .bat files that executes something like del *.jpg or whichever image format you have chosen. Then you can add a Windows scheduled task that runs this .bat file as often as you wish.

Hope this helps!