Whats best for fastline
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 11:41 pm
I have TChart 2.0
Active X 5.0
Active X 7.0
I am using the FastLine series to update a chart every 1 seconds with upto 1000 points. The ActiveX 5.0 version does this using about 1-2% CPU time
The .net 2.0 implemtation does uses about 30% and degrades further to maybe 50% cpu usage when the total points added reach about 50000.
In both implementations I am manually (as in code) scroliing the display such that the x axis is not constantly scrolling as each indiviual points are added, i.e. when the chart fills up I move it left by 25%.
The problem I have is that the Active X version is implemented in good old VB, and the 2.0 version in C#
If I try and use the activeX version everything is very painful with respect to PInvoke not creating compatible method and properties, and in some case not at all, well at least i cant find them, ie how to turn the 3d off. Also the designer edited properties dont get save so everying has to be hand coded.
I really want to use 2.0 but before I just accept that your product is 10 X slower in the .net 2 environment is it worth upgrading to 3.0?
Also, in 2.0 when doing .ADD(XArray, YArray) all the previous points are deleted, my interpretation of Add is that it should 'add' data and not replace it.
I know the world is all web mad and that is obviously where you are putting most of your energies but there are still some of us out here where performance is important.
Please advise my best course of action. ie stick with the pain of active X in a .net environment or upgrade to 3.0, at least tell me if you have degraded fastline performance in the 3.0 compared to 2.0.
p.s. activeX 7 is slower than 5.0, I guess you slow it down with each release.
Other than that, excellent product, and it I will continue to use it for static data presentation.
Active X 5.0
Active X 7.0
I am using the FastLine series to update a chart every 1 seconds with upto 1000 points. The ActiveX 5.0 version does this using about 1-2% CPU time
The .net 2.0 implemtation does uses about 30% and degrades further to maybe 50% cpu usage when the total points added reach about 50000.
In both implementations I am manually (as in code) scroliing the display such that the x axis is not constantly scrolling as each indiviual points are added, i.e. when the chart fills up I move it left by 25%.
The problem I have is that the Active X version is implemented in good old VB, and the 2.0 version in C#
If I try and use the activeX version everything is very painful with respect to PInvoke not creating compatible method and properties, and in some case not at all, well at least i cant find them, ie how to turn the 3d off. Also the designer edited properties dont get save so everying has to be hand coded.
I really want to use 2.0 but before I just accept that your product is 10 X slower in the .net 2 environment is it worth upgrading to 3.0?
Also, in 2.0 when doing .ADD(XArray, YArray) all the previous points are deleted, my interpretation of Add is that it should 'add' data and not replace it.
I know the world is all web mad and that is obviously where you are putting most of your energies but there are still some of us out here where performance is important.
Please advise my best course of action. ie stick with the pain of active X in a .net environment or upgrade to 3.0, at least tell me if you have degraded fastline performance in the 3.0 compared to 2.0.
p.s. activeX 7 is slower than 5.0, I guess you slow it down with each release.
Other than that, excellent product, and it I will continue to use it for static data presentation.