Serious failure in V3.2.2930.22967, related to the gradient
Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 1:45 am
I have a bar chart where each bar is showing a gradient.
Firstly, when entering the editor for the first time at
Series --> Format --> Format --> Gradient.
The Relative check box is disabled, yet the gradient is set.
After clicking the Gradient button and closing the gradientEditor dialog, the Relative checkbox is enabled. The Relative checkbox should always be enabled if gradient is set.
Secondly and more critical.
If the relative check box is checked I get the following catestrophic failure when resizing the window holding the tchart. This results in the tchart component failing and the window showing the Red cross where is should have been.
While the first issue is not significant and can wait for a fix, I think the second needs urgent attention. The effect of this is that my users could spend considerable time working on a chart only to loose it all if they happen to resize the window... Please can this be resolved as a matter of urgency.
Firstly, when entering the editor for the first time at
Series --> Format --> Format --> Gradient.
The Relative check box is disabled, yet the gradient is set.
After clicking the Gradient button and closing the gradientEditor dialog, the Relative checkbox is enabled. The Relative checkbox should always be enabled if gradient is set.
Secondly and more critical.
If the relative check box is checked I get the following catestrophic failure when resizing the window holding the tchart. This results in the tchart component failing and the window showing the Red cross where is should have been.
Code: Select all
System.ArgumentException: Rectangle '{X=183,Y=41,Width=0,Height=308}' cannot have a width or height equal to zero.
at System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush..ctor(Rectangle rect, Color color1, Color color2, LinearGradientMode linearGradientMode)
at Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Gradient.DrawingBrush(Rectangle rect)
at Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Graphics3DGdiPlus.Rectangle(Rectangle r)
at Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Graphics3D.Rectangle(Int32 left, Int32 top, Int32 right, Int32 bottom)
at Steema.TeeChart.Styles.CustomBar.BarRectangle(Color barColor, Int32 aLeft, Int32 aTop, Int32 aRight, Int32 aBottom)
at Steema.TeeChart.Styles.CustomBar.BarRectangle(Color barColor, Rectangle r)
at Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bar.DrawBar(Int32 barIndex, Int32 startPos, Int32 endPos)
at Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bar.DrawValue(Int32 valueIndex)
at Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Series.Draw()
at Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Series.DrawSeries()
at Steema.TeeChart.Chart.InternalDraw(Graphics g, Boolean noTools)
at Steema.TeeChart.Chart.InternalDraw(Graphics g)
at Steema.TeeChart.TChart.Draw(Graphics g)
at Steema.TeeChart.TChart.OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintWithErrorHandling(PaintEventArgs e, Int16 layer, Boolean disposeEventArgs)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)