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TChart WPF demo

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:59 am
by 10549438

I upgraded from Visual Studio 2005 to Visual Studio 2008 (and to .NET Framework 3.5) and saw the Tchart for .NET WPF Demo.
Is it possible to create WPF-Webapplications with TChart for .NET 3 (I have Version 3.5.3225.32185) with the Microsoft Visual WebDeveloper 2008?

Best regards

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:57 am
by narcis
Hell Michael,

What do you exactly mean with WPF-Webapplications? Could you please give us some more specific information about the exact kind of application you want to develop?

If you are planning to develop XBAP applications, we don't have any examples of TeeChart working in XBAP. However we believe that some TeeChart users have got it working according to feedback we received:
We have been prototyping XBAP deployment and have found that each XBAP creates a new “presentationhost.exe”. For example, the following HTML page will create three presentationhost.exe processes each at about 26Meg.

<IFRAME src="HelloWorldXBAP.xbap" width=300 height=100>
<IFRAME src="HelloWorldXBAP.xbap" width=300 height=100>
<IFRAME src="HelloWorldXBAP.xbap" width=300 height=100>

We were originally planning to deliver the WPF TeeChart in a SharePoint web-part in an IFRAME. However, this will not scale very well using XBAP deployment. We have contacted Microsoft and they indicated that there is no way to reduce this footprint.

As a result, we’re now looking at a hybrid approach. In the short term (1 year) deploy TeeChart using XBAP deployment. In the long term, redeploy using the Silverlight TeeChart. We’re committed to using XAML + CS, it’s just the deployment that is.
Also notice that TeeChart for .NET v3 doesn't support Silverlight. It will be included in next TeeChart for .NET major release.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:32 pm
by 10549438
Hello Narcís,

thanks for this informations.

I'm searching for solution to get the TChart for .NET working on a WebSite with all the interactivity, that the version for Windows-Applications has.
To fill the Chart with values from a Database, zooming in and out, scrolling, CursorTools without loading a new picture like the Webchart does.

Do you know a release-date for the Silverlight-support and will it be availbe for all Tchart for .NET 3 users or have I to buy a new licence for the upcomming Silverlight-Feature?

Best regards.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:29 pm
by narcis
Hi Michael,
I'm searching for solution to get the TChart for .NET working on a WebSite with all the interactivity, that the version for Windows-Applications has.
To fill the Chart with values from a Database, zooming in and out, scrolling, CursorTools without loading a new picture like the Webchart does.
Ok, in that case the only option available at the moment is TeeChart Pro v8 ActiveX, which can be used as a "live object" in web applications. You can get fully functional evaluation version here:

The level of interactivity that can be achieved with TeeChart for .NET v3 and WebForms applications is what it's shown in the live ASP.NET demo.
Do you know a release-date for the Silverlight-support and will it be availbe for all Tchart for .NET 3 users or have I to buy a new licence for the upcomming Silverlight-Feature?
It has been initially tested and we expect to start a beta program shortly after Christmas. Final version could be expected to be out during mid-first-quarter 2009. No, this won't be available for v3 users, you'll need to upgrade your license.