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Teechart Net 3.0 License issue

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:52 pm
by 13050935
got a license issue for TeeChart Net 3.0 Product, I embedded this component into a dll which is referenced by an application, I also copied this licence file to this application, I uninstalled TeeChart Net 3.0 just for distribute license simulation and rebuild this application,
Got a error for valid licence can not grant.....

I can not make it, could you tell me the reason and some suggestions?

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 8:53 am
by narcis
Hi JamesDONG,

This error message indicates what's described here.

If TeeChart is referenced in an assembly to be compiled (or forms a referenced part of another referenced assembly) then the TeeChart designtime license must exist in the machine at which the compilation takes place. Licenses.licx of the top level assembly should contain a TeeChart entry as you have done. You should not uninstall TeeChart at the machine where the compilation takes place.

If you are creating a reusable assembly that you wish other developers without a TeeChart license to be able to work with/compile, it is only permitted by the TeeChart distribution license if reusable assembly offers no direct or indirect (wrapped) access to any part of the TeeChart API (ie. that no charting functionality is configurable via the API) or that if Steema has agreed the nature of distribution after understanding something about the application in mind. In that case Steema can provide a plugin or unlocked TeeChart assembly depending on the nature of the application to enable reusable designtime access.