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GetAxesChartRect event

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:30 pm
by 14049416
I subscribed to the GetAxesChartRect event so that I can get the chart rectangle but what I found it that event seems to get fired every time the AfterDraw event gets fired. Wouldn't it make more sense and be cleaner if that event only fired when the actual rectangle size changed?

Re: GetAxesChartRect event

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:26 pm
by Chris
WD_Gordon wrote:Wouldn't it make more sense and be cleaner if that event only fired when the actual rectangle size changed?
The GetAxesChartRect event was not designed to be fired only when the rectangle size is changed. It was designed to allow the developer the possibility of changing its size. This being the case, it therefore needs to be called every time the chart is painted when it is has been subscribed to.