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Installing TeeChart on a WebServer

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:06 pm
by 10549438

I'm trying to get TeeCharts Webchart work on a Webserver, but when I open the Webpage I get the following error-Message instead of the aspx-Page with my WebChart :

"An instance of type 'Steema.TeeChart.Chart' was being created, and a valid license could not be granted for the type 'Steema.TeeChart.Chart'."

When I load the ASPX - Page in Visual-Studio everything works fine.
How can I install my runtime-licenses on the webserver? Have I to do something with the licenses.licx - File.

Best regards.

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:45 pm
by narcis
Hi Michael,

No runtime license needs to be installed at the web server. You just need to build your applications with licenses.licx embedded resource and deploy them as described in Tutorial 17 - Designtime, Runtime and License Requirements, specially at the TeeChart runtime requirements
and Licensing setup for design and runtime sections.

Hope this helps!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:50 pm
by 10549438
Hi NarcĂ­s.

Thanks. I solved the problem meanwhile.

Best regards