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Many series's causes exponential behavior

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:01 pm
by 8739068
In our application, we generate 1000's of series of which only 2 maybe visible. We have found that the performance of the TeeChart control exhibits exponential behavior when there are over a 100 or so series's added to the chart even though only 1 or 2 series's are visible at any one time.

I have created an example and have uploaded it to

There is some instructions on the main winform in the project.I had included in the solution, essentially the source project for TeeChart.dll.

If you follow the instruction on the Winform, you will end up with a chart that looks something like


I produced these results on my Dell Lattitude 620, with a 1.8 Ghz dual core, with 2 Gb of RAM.

My concerns are:

1. Can this behavior be corrected so that is more linear in nature versus exponential?
2. Is this a known issue?
3. We find that the repainting will be very slow as well. It seems to behave exponentially as well when there are more than 100 series's. Has this performance issue been studied? If so, how can they be improved?

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:15 am
by narcis
Hi Mike,

We have been investigating the issue here. This behavior is common accross all TeeChart versions. We don't think the problem is specific to TeeChart. To prove that we created a project (which I will send you) which contains a separate UserControl which mimics the TeeChart design but uses no proprietary TeeChart code. In both cases the time needed to "draw" a single series/myobject rises as the number of series/myobjects increases. This behavior seems to be due to the System.Collections.CollectionBase.List
which takes longer to add and retrieve objects the more objects there are in the collection.

Here are the results of the project using TeeChart series and custom UserControl respectively:


Files uploaded at our website

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:23 am
by narcis
Hi Mike,

Instead of sending files by e-mail I uploaded them at our servers so that they can be used for other clients.

Project: ...

UserControl: ...

Note that at Program.cs in you'll have to change the name of the form/class you want to use.