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Future of TTeee ?

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:35 am
by 9242987

I've made my first application using TTree as diagram editor.
I've previoulsy checked some other diagram charting solution and I've finally choose TTree (as I'm already a long time TChart user)

However I've the feeling that, this component, is not very enhanced anymore ...
I currently use V7, I've donwloaded V8 to check if there's some news, but it doesn"t seems there is any significant .

This is a good component, even if the basis on a Tree is not the more trivial approach to make diagrams ..., finally it's works fine.

What is the future of TTree ?

If you plan to rework on it and to replace it in front of TChart suite (instead of the back as it seems to be right now) i can send you some enhancement suggestion.
I can show you the usage I've done and limits I've met
