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Back Image Gif

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:22 am
by 10551078

I would like to display a GIF image in background with animation in the TeeTree is this possible?

how to make the code in runtime?

Re: Back Image Gif

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:02 pm
by yeray
Hi mivchart,

The following code seems to work fine for me here:

Code: Select all

uses TeeGif;

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Doesn't it for you?

Re: Back Image Gif

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:00 am
by 10551078

But Backimage with animation Gif ?

Re: Back Image Gif

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:32 am
by yeray
Hi mivchart,

Here it is the gif I used to check it:
Triple-Spiral-Labyrinth-animated.gif (15.32 KiB) Viewed 18589 times
I can see the animation in the tree.

Re: Back Image Gif

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:22 pm
by 10551078
Ok, that good,

but for your information, don't load in desgin mode Teetree > crash IDE D2007.

If you load image by coe in runtime > this Ok


Re: Back Image Gif

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:54 am
by yeray
Hi mivchart,

I've been able to run it in D2007 here without any error. I've tried it in design time and also at runtime. Here is the code I used:

Code: Select all

uses TeeGif;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Could you please arrange a simple example project we can run as-is to reproduce the problem here?

However I've seen that the animation is lost and the image is static. I've added it to the wish list to be revised for future releases (TV52015342).