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Installing TeeTreeHi

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 3:51 pm
by 5890420

I just bought TeeTree , and now I’m trying to install it.
But some how this wont work.
My System: Delphi 5 Enterprise, Teechart 5 Pro, Quickreport 3.6

When running TreeCompile.exe Compilation fails, the error log is as follow:

Compilation started: 10.01.2004 16:34:21

Delphi 5 Enterprise (update 1)

Cannot recompile Delphi package: TeeTree2D5Full.dpk
Borland Delphi Version 13.0 Copyright (c) 1983,99 Inprise Corporation

TeeTree.pas(69) Fehler: Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'TeeKey_F2'
TeeTree.pas(70) Fehler: Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'TeeKey_Escape'
TeeTree.pas(72) Fehler: Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'TeeKey_Insert'
TeeTree.pas(73) Fehler: Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'TeeKey_Up'
TeeTree.pas(74) Fehler: Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'TeeKey_Down'
TeeTree.pas(77) Fehler: Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'TeeKey_Right'
TeeTree.pas(78) Fehler: Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'TeeKey_Left'
TeeTree.pas(80) Fehler: Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'TeeKey_Delete'
TeeTree.pas(81) Fehler: Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'TeeKey_Return'
TeeTree.pas(82) Fehler: Undefinierter Bezeichner: 'TeeKey_Space'
TreeConst.pas(119) Fatal: Datei nicht gefunden: 'TeeHungarian.dcu'

What could be wrong?

Thanks and regards

How is the installation procedure?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 7:33 pm
by 7731442

When I extract the TeeTree files into a new directory and start TreeCompile.exe I get the result as mentioned in the previous post.
When I mix up the file means copy all file to the same directory as teeChart files I can’t install it either.

What would be the correct procedure?

By the way I’m using TeeChart 5.02

Thanks and regards

Installation ??

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 11:14 am
by 7731442

I tried again to install TeeTree.
When I remove all search path to the source of TeeChart and then install DclTree2D5Tee5 i get an Error saying that TChartArrowPen is'nt defined.
Therefore I suppose that I need some file from TeeChart to.

Thanks for any help


Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 6:18 pm
by Tom

teeTree v2.0 needs at least teeChart v5.03, please contact teeChart support if you can't find the teeChart v5.03 files on the download section

Kind Regards,

Now its ok Thanks

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 12:10 pm
by 7731442

Since the TeeChart Version 5.03 was under a Item Delphi 7, I didn’t not see any reason to download it. Now after installing version 5.03 Installation of TeeTree Worked well.

Thanks and regards
