Hi there,
There are several series which do not cater for adding the key values in a single ADD method. ERRORBAR is just one example, i.e. there is no ADD method of the following signature.
Code: Select all
errorbar.add(x as date,y as double,errorvalue as double,text as string,colour as System.Drawing.Color)
BUBBLE is another one that I have to code around like
Code: Select all
iPoint = serBubble.Add(row(XValueName), CDbl(row(YValueName)))
serBubble.RadiusValues.Item(iPoint) = row(Radius) ' add the radius
In this case I have to add the radius in separately to the initial add because there is no ADD method that allows a DATE and the radius.
I'm loading the data from a data table where the X column is of type DATETIME.
Alternatively I can use a statement like
Code: Select all
If TypeOf row(StartXValues) Is Date Then
dStartXValues = row(StartXValues).tooadate
dStartXValues = row(StartXValues)
End If
iPoint = serArrow.Add(dStartXValues, dStartYValues, dEndXValues, dEndYValues)
Which converts the date to a double first... this is what I meant by converting the date.
I'm using tCHART in a generic reporting tool so I have very little idea or control of what my users want to include in their charts... It would be a great idea it ALL series types with X and Y axis allow ALL numeric types on both X and Y as well as DATE time types and allows specification of the other key metrics (such as Radius for the bubble etc.) in a single ADD method.
In the short term I've figured out ways to code around the problems I'm having.