I am using the Cursor Tool to display series values. I use the OnCursorToolChange event to change the values displayed (added behind the series titles in the legend).
Sub axChart_OnCursorToolChange(Tool, X , Y ,XVal,YVal, Series, ValueIndex)
With axChart
.SubFooter.Visible = True
.SubFooter.Text.Add "Timestamp: " & cdate(XVal)
For i = 0 To .SeriesCount - 1
idx = axChart.Series(i).XValues.Locate(XVal)
.Series(i).Title = SeriesTitles(i) & " (" & FormatNumber(.Series(i).YValues.Value(idx), 3) & .Axis.Left.Title.Caption & ")"
End With
End Sub
This works fine for one serie but when I add series the following series values are wrongly implied 0 for some values (axChart.Series(i).YValues.Value(idx) return 0 which is wrong). The data is time stamped data using the same timestamps and have been verified. The Cusor tool snaps to data points.
I am using ASP.Net and ActiveX version 5.0.5.
What Is the problem here? Can this be done any other way?
Displaying values under Vertical cursor, Locate inaccurate
My mistake, there where milliseconds difference
Sorry about this.