In our software we use two additional component which lay over the chart. The first one is a simple multiline label which shows some text informations und the other component is wptools (a powerfull RTF editor).
If I open the Chart editor for export the chart to a graphic file or copy it to the clipboard, this additional component are not included in the clipboard copy and the exported file formats.
Is there a way to include this additional components in the export?
With our current chart engine we use code like this to copy to clipboard:
Code: Select all
procedure TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject);
bmp: TBitmap;
_Text1: String;
_Text2: String;
_Breite: Integer;
// Snooze(200);
bmp.PixelFormat := pf32bit; // 16Mio Farben siehe Hilfe: PixelFormat
bmp.Width := Form1.Chart1.Width;
bmp.Height := Form1.Chart1.Height + 15;
bmp.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0,0,bmp.Width, bmp.Height - 15),
Form1.Chart1.Canvas, Form1.Chart1.ClientRect);
_Text1 := 'Datum: ' + DateToStr(Now) + ' Zeit: ' + TimeToStr(Now);
_Text2 := '';
bmp.Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
bmp.Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold];
_Breite := bmp.Canvas.TextWidth(_Text2);
bmp.Canvas.TextOut((Form1.Grafik.Width - _Breite - 2), bmp.Height - 14, _Text2);
bmp.Canvas.Font.Style := [];
bmp.Canvas.TextOut(0, bmp.Height - 14, _Text1);
//Copy the bitmap to the clipboard
Any help about this?[/quote]