Hi Narcís,
there is one problem left. Hopefully you can give me a tip.
I uploaded a new and smaller demo application to your server:
Received Axis Demo 2_2.zip Content Type application/x-zip-compressed Length 20238
I have upload 2 pics to my server to show you my problem:
As you can see in the pics the axis values are overlapping. And I have no idea what causes this. I use a sample code from you which draws multiple Y-axis to the chart.
I have enhanced this code so that it alwas calculate the correct width for each y-axis.
This works really fine but if I add the first and the second point to each series I got this problem.
During the PlaceAxis I use the methode you mentioned above : Chart1[Nr].CustomVertAxis.
As I said bevor ... It works really great after the third point was added.
Can you give me a tipp what causes this problem ?