Thanks alot for the guidance. I really appreciate it.
1. The time lag in cursor sync. issue is persistent across machines with 1 GB RAM as well. I am uploading the same test project that has each of the charts with 18000 points and width of 2000. I also tried the cursortool1.fastcusor = true, but it is of no use as the charts are not redrawn, the cursor leaves its marks on the charts as it moves with mouse.
The elapse time (now visible as form's title) shows well above 7000ms on several "average" laptops/desktops.
Please suggest if there is a better way of sync.'ing the cursor.
Added on 29th Dec 2008
2. I tried to follow the document_PrintPage method that helps print multiple charts into multiple pages. I can get multiple pages, but it seems that somehow the e.Graphics.DrawImage is called "infinite" times even if i call it for four charts. Also, the charts are drawn one over the other. I am uploading slightly modified project that has implementation with e.Graphics.DrawImage in document_printpage event. Please suggest if i should do something different. The project file name uploaded via upload page is
3. Chart Alignment: Please see uploaded teeChartIsssue.ppt file. You suggested to set the MyChart.Axes.Left.Labels.CustomSize to large enough value so that the charts automatically align themselves. If you see the uploaded ppt file, all the charts start at the same point, but few of them start to slightly deviate from the others. I need them to be vertically aligned. Same behavior can be observed with the charts generated from the test project uploaded for point 2. I am setting fastline.drawallpoints to false and also treatNulls property to DoNotPaint style. I do not know if that makes any difference. But, it was the same case even if i don't set these properties.
Thanks for your help.
Added on 03 Jan 2009
1. How can i know if a chart is in viewable area of screen? I have several charts arranged in vertical manner and i am thinking that updating the cursor only the viewable charts will greatly reduce the lag in cursor movements. (Steema.TeeChart.TChart).IsAccessible property always return false for every chart when put in a loop.
The snippet of code is as follows:
Code: Select all
If CType(Panel2.Controls.Item(i), Steema.TeeChart.TChart).IsAccessible Then
CType(DestChart.Tools.Item(0), Steema.TeeChart.Tools.CursorTool).XValue = myXValue
End If
Added on 04 Jan 2009
1. I need to display 'Y' as a % of change value from a base value. Is there any easyway of doing it without hurting the performance when i havelarge number of points per chart and multiple charts (similar to test project that i uploaded on 26th Dec 2008)?