Could someone interpret the point polygon co-ordinate system for me. When I add a custom mouseover hint to the page by adding a polygon to the map I specify 8 values - left and top for the 4 corners (e.g. coords = "105,172,133,172,133,191,105,191"). I note the coords for the series points when using the hotspot tool vary greatly in number (e.g. <AREA shape="Poly" Title="Date/Time: 01/01/2008 00:00:00 Value: 200" coords=" 312,35,321,35,321,44,312,44,312,35"> or <AREA shape="Poly" Title="Date/Time: 01/01/2008 01:00:00 Value: 110" coords=" 212,129,199,140,197,138,210,127,212,129,194,135,203,135,203,144,194,144,194,135">. Why the variation in number and why so many for individual points (if that's all they're for)?