Is there a way to align the legend items vertically ? I have a legend at the bottom of the chart, with three columns. I'd like to get the legend items in vertical order, instead of horizontally.
As an example, I'd like something like
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9
I'm using Teechart 6
Legend items vertically ordered ?
Hi Bruno,
there's no way to do this autmatically, but this can be done using the canvas techniques. You can see on example of use in the TeeChart Pro Demo features project under :
All Features -> Welcome -> Miscellaneous -> Legend -> Dawing more text
there's no way to do this autmatically, but this can be done using the canvas techniques. You can see on example of use in the TeeChart Pro Demo features project under :
All Features -> Welcome -> Miscellaneous -> Legend -> Dawing more text
Pep Jorge
I've thoght of this, but I have another problem. Later I need the legend the mouse is over in OnMouseMove:
(Sender AS TChart).CalcClickedPart(Point(X, Y), Part);
IF Part.PointIndex >= (Sender AS TChart).Series[0].Count THEN
IF Part.Part = cpLegend THEN
FCurrSlice := Part.PointIndex
This will make Part.PointIndex point to the wrong slice, no ?
(Sender AS TChart).CalcClickedPart(Point(X, Y), Part);
IF Part.PointIndex >= (Sender AS TChart).Series[0].Count THEN
IF Part.Part = cpLegend THEN
FCurrSlice := Part.PointIndex
This will make Part.PointIndex point to the wrong slice, no ?
What about using OnGetLegendPos?
You can alter the X and Y coordinates for each Legend item within the LegendRect (found from OnGetLegendRect event)
Look up help on the OnGetLegendPos event
Look up help on the OnGetLegendPos event