Hello marder,
marder wrote:Could you please tell me why my initial reported issue has not been fixed in the last 2 years?
When we or our customers detect a bug, we add it into a list assigning a priority to it. One of the things that help us to decide what priority to assign to an issue uses to be if there is a workaround that helps the customer to achieve what's desired. But there are other variables affecting the time to close an item in that list such as the complexity of the problem, the study of the possible collateral damages, the number of issues with even higher priority that claims our team attention,...
marder wrote:Also, could you provide me a workaround that I should use in TreeChart Pro V2011?
I've seen setting Chart3DPercent to 1 makes the initial workaround work again:
Code: Select all
Chart1.View3D := true;
However, it's a quite ugly workaround. Another possibility you may prefer, is to use GDI+ instead of the Antialias tool. GDI+ incorporates the Antialias and doesn't reproduce the bug.
Code: Select all
uses TeeGDIPlus, Series;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Anyway, I've incremented the bug priority.