Labels and Titles way too large when printing

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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Re: Labels and Titles way too large when printing

Post by Pep » Fri Mar 07, 2014 3:39 pm

Hello Andreas,

I'm preparing a new TeeChart Pro ActiveX v2014 Beta version, to be available on our web site during the next week. I just inform that this bug has been fixed and will be included into this release. Please check it and let us know in the case you still having problems.

Thanks !

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Re: Labels and Titles way too large when printing

Post by Pep » Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:26 pm

Hello Andreas,

just an additional info about this issue.. As Narcis said before, the problem is related to .
The problem was, when creating the metafile to send to the printer, Font.PixelsPerInch is different than screen (normally 96 on 100% text size Windows).

In previous TeeCanvas version this was handled automatically, as TeeCanvas.Font was the same as Delphi or TMetafile canvas.
Now in this version, Font.PixelsPerInch must be explicitely set before assigning fonts (see TTeeCanvas.DoChangedFont for fix).
The problem was that using the TeeChart Pro v2013 or before there was not the possibility to assign the Font.PixelsPerInch property. Now with the latest TeeChart Pro ActiveX v2014 this property has been changed to read/write property, allowing to do for example :

Code: Select all

            TChart1.Axis.Left.Title.Font.PixelsPerInch = 512
            TChart1.Axis.Left.Labels.Font.PixelsPerInch = 512
            TChart1.Axis.Bottom.Labels.Font.PixelsPerInch = 512

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Re: Labels and Titles way too large when printing

Post by kant » Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:15 am

Hello Narcis, Pep

I made a quick check with TeeChart 2014.
The issue has not been resolved at all - the printouts are still the same as with the 2013 version
as soon as GDI+ is enabled!
Also I have noted a couple of new problems which I will post in a new thread.

Best wishes,

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Re: Labels and Titles way too large when printing

Post by Pep » Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:52 pm

Hello Andreas,

doe sthe problem happens by setting a value to the PixelsPerInch property ?

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Re: Labels and Titles way too large when printing

Post by kant » Thu May 01, 2014 12:54 pm

Hello Pep

I didn't change my code from the 2013-version and don't use PixelsPerInch.

Best wishes,

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Re: Labels and Titles way too large when printing

Post by Pep » Mon May 12, 2014 8:40 am

Hello Andreas,

this way, in the case GDI+ is enabled you should use the PixelsPerInch property in order to print it correctly. Could you please check it ?

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