Mixing series styles

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Mixing series styles

Post by jProg » Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:31 pm

Is there a way to create a chart with a Gantt series at the bottom and a Point-line graph above it?

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Post by Marc » Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:22 pm


Yes, using the Editor you could:
- Add a Gantt Series
- Go to the Axis::Position tab and set the Start position for the LeftAxis to 50% (That will restrict the Gantt to the lower half of the Chart)

- Go to the Axis tab, on the Left select the "+" button to add a new Custom Axis. Confirm that the 'Visible' Checkbox is checked.
- Go to the Position tab and set the End Position to 50%.
- Add a Point and/or LineSeries and go to the Series::General tab and select 'Custom 0' as the Series' vertical Axis.

....add data as required to both Series and you should see that the Gantt resides in the lower half of the Chart and the Line (and/or Point) in the top half.

Marc Meumann

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