I have a linear gauge (see attachment Gauge.jpg). I would like to change the brush of the hand like this
Code: Select all
Hand.Brush.Style := BsHorizontal;
However, setting brushstyle to BsHorizontal does to seem to work - what am I doing wrong?
This is the entire code:
Code: Select all
Chart3.Title.Visible := false;
chart3.LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Size := 22;
chart3.LeftAxiS.Increment := 0.25;
chart3.LeftAxis.AxisValuesFormat := '#0.00';
with Chart3.AddSeries(TLinearGauge.Create(self)) as TLinearGauge do
Horizontal := false;
RedLine.Visible := false;
GreenLine.StartValue := -0.5;
GreenLine.EndValue := 1.5;
GreenLine.Gradient.Visible := true;
GreenLine.Gradient.StartColor := cllime;
GreenLine.Gradient.EndColor := cllime;
GreenLine.Color := cllime;
GreenLine.VertSize := 20;
Minimum := -1.0;
Maximum := 2;
Axis.Increment := 0.25;
ValueFormat := '#0.00';
Hand.Brush.Color := clBlue;
Hand.Brush.BackColor := clred;
Hand.Transparency := 20;
Hand.Emboss.Visible := false;
Hand.Brush.Style := BsHorizontal;
Hand.Pen.Color := clNone;
Hand.Gradient.Visible := true;
Ticks.VertSize := 100;
Ticks.Visible := false;
Face.Color := clwhite;
Face.RoundSize := 0;
Face.Gradient.Visible := false;
Frame.InnerBrush.BackColor := clBlack;
Frame.MiddleBrush.BackColor := clGray;
Frame.OuterBrush.BackColor := clBlack;