We are currently using the TeeChart JS component v2.5 and are seeing issues with the calculated increments, minimum, and maximum values on the bottom X axis.
The chart is set up with only basic style settings. We are then adding new Line series to the chart and some markers. The issue is that the X axis does not seem to be correctly calculating sensible values for increments or maximum.
For example in this chart below the line series X values are decimals that range from 0 - 1. We would ideally like to see increments here of say 0.1.
In this example, we have x values ranging from 0 to just under 3600. But you can see the maximum is not a sensible figure and the increments aren't either. We would expect increments of say 200 and a max of 3600.
Here is the snippet of code (long routine omitted but this is the only part of the code related to the chart), for basic chart setup and addition of line series:
Code: Select all
cht.panel.format.round.x = 0;
cht.panel.format.round.y = 0;
cht.panel.format.stroke.fill = "";
cht.panel.transparent = true;
cht.panel.format.fill = "#FFFFFF";
cht.panel.format.shadow.visible = false
cht.panel.format.gradient.colors = [];
cht.panel.format.gradient.direction = "topbottom";
cht.panel.format.gradient.visible = false;
cht.panel.format.shadow.visible = false;
cht.walls.back.format.gradient.colors = [];
cht.walls.back.format.gradient.direction = "topbottom";
cht.walls.back.format.gradient.visible = false;
cht.walls.back.format.shadow.visible = false;
cht.walls.back.format.fill = '#FFFFFF';
cht.title.text = "TeeChart";
cht.title.format.font.style = "12px Open Sans";
cht.title.format.font.fill = "#808080";
cht.footer.visible = false;
cht.axes.left.labels.format.font.style = "12px Open Sans";
cht.axes.left.labels.format.font.fill = "#808080";
cht.axes.bottom.labels.format.font.style = "12px Open Sans";
cht.axes.bottom.labels.format.font.fill = "#808080";
cht.axes.right.labels.format.font.style = "12px Open Sans";
cht.axes.right.labels.format.font.fill = "#404040";
cht.axes.top.labels.format.font.style = "12px Open Sans";
cht.axes.top.labels.format.font.fill = "#404040";
cht.title.text = '';
cht.axes.bottom.title.text = 'Volume ()';
cht.axes.right.title.text = 'Power ()';
cht.axes.left.title.text = 'Pressure ()';
cht.legend.visible = true;
cht.legend.position = "right";
cht.legend.format.font.style = "12px Open Sans";
cht.legend.format.font.fill = "#000000";
cht.legend.format.gradient.colors = ["#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF"];
cht.legend.format.gradient.direction = "topbottom";
cht.legend.format.gradient.visible = false;
cht.zoom.enabled = false;
var srs = cht.addSeries(new Tee.Line());
var xPoints = []; var yPoints = [];
for (var j = 0; j < element.Points.length; j++) {
srs.data.values = yPoints;
srs.data.x = xPoints;
var colorRGB = element.ColorRGB.split(',');
srs.format.fill = self.TechnicalUI().rgbToHex(parseInt(colorRGB[0]), parseInt(colorRGB[1]), parseInt(colorRGB[2]));
srs.format.stroke.size = element.Width;
srs.colorEach = "no";
srs.vertAxis = (element.LineType == 2 ? "left" : element.LineType == 3 ? "right" : "left")
srs.legend.visible = (element.LineType > 1);
srs.format.shadow.visible = false;
Many thanks in advance.