I have setup a graph, that uses custom axes.
In each axis, I have added one series.
My problem is that the lables for my new axis is not being drawn.
I have looked through the maze of properties, and tried setting most of them to the values is think is rigth. But still no success.
A few of my tries looked close, but still not.
Code: Select all
//Creates a new axis, with no grid lines
Axis customAxis = new Axis(_chtChart.Chart);
customAxis.SetMinMax(signal.YMin, signal.YMax);
customAxis.AxisPen.Color = signal.Channel.DefaultColor;
customAxis.TicksInner.Visible = false;
customAxis.Ticks.Visible = false;
customAxis.MinorTicks.Visible = false;
customAxis.MinorGrid.Visible = false;
customAxis.Grid.Visible = false;
customAxis.Labels.Color = Color.White;
customAxis.Labels.Visible = true;
signal.Series.CustomVertAxis = customAxis;
I tried setting:
Code: Select all
signal.Series.VertAxis = Steema.TeeChart.Styles.VerticalAxis.Left;
Can anyone tell me what properties i need to set to make the lables visible?
Thanks for your time!