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Additional downloads
Name Description Date Filesize Download
TeeChart compiled demo

- TeeChart_Features ( 30 MB ) Big demo with all v2021 features
- StandardSeriesDemo ( 17 MB ) Small and pretty demo
- TeeChartOffice ( 18 MB ) End-user charting tool (v2015)
- TeeMaps ( 13 MB ) World maps GIS application example
- TeeMaker ( 9 MB ) 3D graphics designer sample
- TeePerfMonitor ( 8 MB ) Simple clone of Windows PerfMon.exe charting


May 17, 2021 Download

TeeChart Office

TeeChart-Office is a free charting and plotting tool intended for both the end-user and the developer.

The main purpose of TeeChart-Office is to easily create Charts, link them to heterogenous sources of data, modify and change the chart appearance, export Charts to native format, image files and printer, share created charts with other users and configure the many properties it offers.

-, latest version for Win32 TeeChartOffice for Win32 Windows (Win7/8/10, Vista, 2003, XP, 95/98/ME/NT/2000)  
-, latest version for Win64 TeeChartOffice for Win64 Windows  
- TeeChartOffice.tar.gz version 0.95 (1.3MB) TeeChartOffice for Linux (RedHat, SuSe, Mandrake, etc)  
- (0.7MB) Documentation (help file)  
You can find and/or review older versions of TeeChartOffice here    
Read the Readme.txt file.    
October 15, 2020
FastLine demo

TeeChart FastLine demo in VCL and FMX.

February 20, 2015 14MB Download
Name Description Date Filesize Download
TeeChart Tutorials and Library Reference

TeeChart Tutorials and Library Reference

Find up to date Tutorials and Library Reference online online.

June 28, 2024
TeeChart User Guide and Tutorials v8

TeeChart User Guide, Tutorials and Help for TeeChart VCL v8 (3.75 MB)

July 01, 2007 Download
TeeTree Tutorials v2

TeeTree Tutorials and Help for TeeTree VCL v2 (1.10 MB)

July 01, 2007 Download
Name Description Date Filesize Download
GDI+ custom units

GDI+ API units for Delphi from with some little customizations from our side. They are available under Mozilla Public License Version 1.1.

January 24, 2011 Download
Name Description Date Filesize Download
QuickReport Instructions

Those are some TQRChart packages for different IDEs, the integration of the TeeChart version shipped with the IDE into QuickReport.

August 21, 2024 65KB Download

TeeChart Standard for QuickReport 6 in Delphi 12 Athens

August 21, 2024 226KB Download

TeeChart support for QuickReport v6, RAD Studio 12 Athens and TeeChart Pro

December 05, 2023 218KB Download

TeeChart support for QuickReport v6, RAD Studio 11.3 Alexandria and TeeChart Pro

October 11, 2023 225KB Download

TeeChart Standard for QuickReport 6 in Delphi 11 Alexandria

January 05, 2022 223KB Download

TeeChart Standard for QuickReport 6 in Delphi 10.4 Sydney

October 02, 2020 218KB Download

TeeChart support for QuickReport v6, RAD Studio Sydney 10.4 and TeeChart Pro

September 30, 2020 0.25M Download

TeeChart Standard for QuickReport 6 in Delphi 10.3 Rio

January 11, 2019 160KB Download

TeeChart support for QuickReport v5.06, RAD Studio Rio 10.3 and TeeChart Std

January 11, 2019 0.13M Download

TeeChart support for QuickReport v5.06, RAD Studio Rio 10.3 and TeeChart Pro

January 11, 2019 301.75K Download

TeeChart support for QuickReport  v6, RAD Studio Rio 10.3 and TeeChart Pro

January 11, 2019 0.51M Download

TeeChart Standard for QuickReport 6 in Delphi 10 Seattle

October 09, 2018 176 Download

TeeChart Standard for QuickReport 6 in Delphi 10.1 Berlin

February 02, 2018 153KB Download

TeeChart Standard for QuickReport 6 in Delphi 10.2 Tokyo

February 02, 2018 153KB Download

TeeChart Standard 2015 for QuickReport 5 in Delphi 10 Seattle

September 22, 2015 130KB Download

TeeChart Standard 2015 for QuickReport 5 in Delphi XE8

April 27, 2015 129KB Download

TeeChart Standard 2014 for QuickReport 5 in Delphi XE7

January 03, 2015 1.28MB Download

TeeChart Standard 2013 for QuickReport 5 in Delphi XE5

October 09, 2014 170KB Download

TeeChart Standard 2014 for QuickReport 5 in C++Builder XE6

August 06, 2014 1.72MB Download

TeeChart Standard 2013 for QuickReport 5 in C++Builder XE5

February 03, 2014 1.72MB Download

TeeChart Standard 2012 for QuickReport 5 in Delphi XE3

September 10, 2013 74KB Download

TeeChart Standard 2013 for QuickReport 5 in C++Builder XE4

July 01, 2013 1.17MB Download

TeeChart Standard 2013 for QuickReport 5 in Delphi XE4

July 01, 2013 78KB Download

TeeChart Standard 2011 for QuickReport 5 in C++Builder XE2

December 21, 2012 108KB Download

TeeChart Standard 2011 for QuickReport 5 in Delphi XE2

February 23, 2012 84KB Download

TeeChart Standard 2010 for QuickReport 5 in Delphi XE

February 21, 2012 866KB Download
Name Description Date Filesize Download

These are free patches for the Standard/Lite versions shipped with some IDEs:
- RAD Studio XE6, follow this link.
- RAD Studio XE4, XE5, XE6 and XE7 (HorizSeries), follow this link.
- RAD Studio XE4 (FastLineSeries): Delphi and C++Builder.
- RAD Studio XE2 Update 4, follow this link.

June 28, 2024
Name Description Date Filesize Download

TeeChart Standard 2017 for IntraWeb 14.0 in Delphi XE 10.1 Berlin

February 23, 2018 173KB Download

TeeChart Standard 2013 for IntraWeb 14.0 in Delphi XE4

September 09, 2013 13KB Download

TeeChart Standard 2012 for IntraWeb 14.0 in Delphi XE3

May 13, 2013 12KB Download

TeeChart Standard 2011 for IntraWeb 12.0 in Delphi XE2

August 28, 2012 92KB Download

TeeChart Standard 2010 for IntraWeb 11.0 in Delphi XE

August 27, 2012 16KB Download