We are pleased to announce the availability of the TeeChart v2010 BETA Charting Library. To access the downloads please go to the VCL public download area and follow the link to Evaluations.
Please use the Steema Support BETA forum to send us feedback. You can use your evaluation user code to access the forums. BETA Forum at : http://www.teechart.net/support/viewforum.php?f=7.
We are pleased to announce the availability of the TeeChart v2010 BETA. To access the downloads please go to the VCL public download area and follow the link to Evaluations.
Please use the Steema Support BETA forum to send us feedback. You can use your evaluation user code to access the forums. BETA Forum at : http://www.teechart.net/support/viewforum.php?f=7.
New feature summary
New Series types
* KnobGauge Series
* Rose Series
* Ternary Series
* Treemap Series
New Tool components
* Custom Legend
New Functions
* PercentageChange function (StatChar.pas unit) y = (y2-y1)/y1
* Slope function (StatChar.pas unit) y = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
* MoneyFlow Skewness
* Kurtosis
* Smoothed Moving Average
* ATR (Average True Range)
* RVI (Relative Vigor Index)
* AO (Awesome Oscillator)
* AC (Acclerator/Declerator Oscillator)
* Alligator
* Gator Oscillator
New Components
* GDI+ component
New in Chart Legend
* Text-Symbol gap
* Legend max. rows
New in Series
* Marks Font Series Color
* Marks on Bar
* YOrigin for Histogram
* Org Series with HTML Format
* Smoothed Series
* Embedded Numeric Gauge
* Embedded Linear Gauge
* Custom Embedding
* ArrowSeries Transparency
* New ArrowSeries Pointer Gradient
* Polar Series Zoom
* New Style option for DrawAllPoints property
* Candle Series configurable Open and Close Tick Pen
* CircularGauge Total displayed segment size option
* Editable CircularGauge 3 part Frame
New in Axes
* Axis Grid zones
* Axis Labels behind
* GridCentered with GridBand
* Axis Labels now retrievable after discarding Custom Labels
New in Components
* Editor Options
* TeeCommander RotateInertia (similar to TRotateTool.Inertia property)
New in Canvas
* Flash export using Flex compiler. Includes animation options
New in Functions
* y = mx + b, Curvefitting normal coefficient
* Slope & Y-Intercept
New methods
* TTeeCanvas and TTeeCanvas3D "GetArrowPoints" function. Returns a TPoint array bounding a given set of arrow parameters.
* TSeriesStatsTool new functions: Mean, StdDeviation, Skewness and Kurtosis
* TGLCanvas.StretchDraw
* TArrowSeries improved Clicked method.
* Improved Point / Line series Clicked method when points overlap.
* TeePolar.pas unit "TeePolarDegreeSymbol" global string variable, moved to TeeConst.pas unit to allow internationalization.
* Improved OpenGL support for Picture properties.
* New editor dialog for TDraw3D control (TeeDraw3DEditor.pas)
* Support for transparent textures in OpenGL TGLCanvas.
* BigFlatFile demo project moved inside TeeNew (Big_FlatFile.pas unit)
* New Chart Themes
New in Export formats
* VRML 3D (www.web3d.org)
* Dots Per Inch (DPI)
Renamed items
New global types
New global procedures
New Units
* TeeArrowTool.pas
* TeeMouseCursor.pas
* TeeDraw3DEditor.pas