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TeeChart for .NET MAUI v2024 [6 NOV 2024] RELEASE 6.2024.11.6
The .NET MAUI chart component library offers an extensive variety of chart styles and allows .NET MAUI developers to implement their chart apps in iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS scenarios.
TeeChart for .NET MAUI v2024 [29 AUG 2024] RELEASE 6.2024.8.29
The .NET MAUI chart component library offers an extensive variety of chart styles and allows .NET MAUI developers to implement their chart apps in iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS scenarios.
TeeChart for .NET MAUI v2024 [18 JUL 2024] RELEASE 6.2024.7.18
TeeChart for .NET MAUI released!
TeeChart for Xamarin.Forms v2021 [18 NOV 2021] RELEASE 4.2021.11.18
Steema is pleased to inform you of the availability of latest TeeChart for Xamarin.Forms 2021 v4.2021.11.18 release.
TeeChart for Xamarin.Forms RELEASE 5.2021.7.9 now with NET 5.0 support
The recently published TeeChart for Xamarin.Forms Nuget package adds support for .NET 5.0 further to the already supported MacOS.
TeeChart for Xamarin.Forms RELEASE 4.2020.10.26 now with MacOS support
TeeChart 2016.18.160504 VCL/FMX release available
Steema would like to inform you of the availability of the latest TeeChart 2016.18.160504 VCL/FMX release.
The new 2016.18 update includes TeeChart Pro and Standard binary and source code installers for all development environments already supported including full support for RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin (RX/DX/CX).
TeeChart 2016.17.160426 VCL/FMX release
TeeChart VCL/FMX release with full RAD Studio 10 Seattle support

Steema is pleased to inform you about the availability of the latest TeeChart 2015.16.150901 VCL/FMX release with full Embarcadero RAD Studio 10 Seattle (RX/DX/CX) support.
TeeChart 2015.15.150420 Standard VCL / FMX maintenance release
TeeChart 2015.15.150420 VCL/FMX release
TeeChart 2015.14.150120 VCL/FMX release
TeeChart 2014.12.140923 VCL/FMX release
TeeChart 2014.11.140512 VCL/FMX release
TeeChart 2014.10.140220 VCL/FMX release
TeeChart 2013.09.131119 VCL/FMX release
Adding 2D and 3D Business Charting to your Mobile Applications
TeeChart 2013.08.130521 VCL/FMX release
TeeChart VCL/FMX for XE4 BETA installers published
BETA installers have been posted at the client download area adding full RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ Builder XE4 support in all frameworks (VCL, Firemonkey, Metropolis UI, etc.) and platforms available (Windows 32/64-bit, Mac OSX and iOS).
TeeChart VCL/FMX for XE3 pre-release installers published
Pre-release installers have been posted at the client download area adding full RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ Builder XE3 support.
TeeChart Pro for XE3 source code pre-release installer
A pre-release source code installer has been posted at the client download area adding full RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ Builder XE3 support.
TeeChart Pro for XE2 source code pre-release installer
A pre-release source code installer has been posted at the client download area adding full RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ Builder XE2 support.